Kachan Karmacharya was born in 2033 B.S. She has five members in the family including mother, two sisters and younger brother. She is from the family where education is completely zero. Kanchan famliy financial condition was very week, so she had work at the very early age to look after her family, cause her father passed away when she was a small girl. She was vulnerable and people was always there to take an advantage of it. Due to this, she was even raped by the people where she worked. The worst thing is that the case was not registered as she couldn’t explain what truma she been through. The lalitpur police officer advice the personnel to teach her the sign language so that she can expalin what worst she’s been through. Then, she was brought to Creative Hands of Deaf Women (CHDW) for the sign language, After completing her sign language class the case reopened by the lalitpur police. Kanchan explained everything about the situation and the truma. Finally, the people who was guilty was been held by the police officer and was sentenced to the prison.
Now, Kanchan Karmacharya is living her happy life. CHDW & SOTAI provided cooking training and physiotherapy training. She is now working as a physiotherapist in Sotai Japanese Physiotherapy, Lalitpur.